Saturday, September 12, 2009

Any more ideas for vases?

I am very appreciative of the support and suggestions of Internet bloggers. Only there is not enough feedback from a number of people to continue. I think there are other very wonderful answers to what people most value. I would like to continue making vases of ideas I receive. I could take a different turn in this project by seeking other ways of getting answers.
I should do library research of auto-biographies. For example, Julie Andrews' autobiography HOME.
I am not getting responses on how some of the vases effect people. It is important to me that they communicate so the viewer will look at issues from a new perspective raising their level of consciousness. Helping people see themselves and how much they have in common with others is what an artist can do. So if you feel my project worthy of your time, please surprise me and leave an answer to what is the most wonderful valuable thing ever to you.


  1. I don't know about the vases project but I stumbled across your work when searching for umbrella paintings. I love your work, I love the little old lady holding the umbrella and catching the rain. You are truly blessed and thanks for painting. The most valuable thing ever to me is love, to have been given love and be able to pass it on and on and bless the world with unending out of control love.

  2. love the last kids vases diane
    such a shame we loose that spontaneity when we grow up.creating without thinking,without associations
